Phugtal Monastery

Phugtal Monastery is a Buddhist Gompa which is situated in Zanskar, Ladakh, Northern India. The main focus at Phugtal monastery is the practice of Posadha, Pravarna and Vasika.

Phugtal Monastery Images

Explore Phugtal Monastery through captivating images that showcase their rich culture, history, and charm.

1 Tourists who already explored Phugtal Monastery

Where Phugtal Monastery located

How To Reach Phugtal Monastery

By Air

The nearest airport is Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport, which is approximately 462 km away.

By Train

The nearest railway station is Jammu Tawi railway station, which is approximately 670 km away.

By Bus

Padum, Srinagar and Leh are the major cities well connected to Phugtal Monastery.

Phugtal Monastery Tour Packages

Explore Phugtal Monastery with our tour packages, where each package is designed to take you in the rich culture, historical landmarks, and local flavors of the region.

Phugtal Monastery, Leh, Ladakh

Phugtal Monastery is a Buddhist Gompa which is situated in Zanskar, Ladakh, Northern India. The main focus at Phugtal monastery  is the practice of Posadha, Pravarna and Vasika.

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